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45 Live Radio Show with guest DJ CONNIE PRICE aka DAN UBICK

Our 5th guest of 2023 from outside of the crew is a lynchpin of the Cali music scene. He's appeared in more bands than you can shake a musical stick at, and is often found slangin' a slice of the natural raw around the West Coast and beyond. Please welcome;


There's every possibility that if you're listening to modern era funk created on the West Coast, then quite possibly, Dan Ubick had a hand in its creation. Plying his trade with the early years of BREAKESTRA, he's gone on to for his own DAN UBE PRODUCTIONS company where he's created a myriad of essential music since its inception in 2004.

Check out these coupla links to really get a sip of what makes this fellow tick;


Your host Greg Belson bookends the set and this week....it's all about this thing we call SOUL. Obscure 45's that don't make your everyday playlist. We dig a bit deeper, y'see.

Original 7"s on lock, as per!

This is 45 Live!