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Atomphunk 'Summer Jam' (Regulate Recordings)

Atomphunk with Mugs and Pockets feat. DJ Deviant
'Summer Jam' / 'Back For More'
(Regulate Recordings)

In the world of hip hop flavor means good, and this as so much flavor you'll be drooling all the way to the counter to bag this 45. 'Summer Jam' has every ingredient required, super tight super crisp drums intro'd and outro'd for the mix, phat bass line, raps that the Native Tongues would approve of, and a gorgeous beat with a melodic repetitive vibe. Above all it's just so funky, bouncin' along like a 1990 joint. Chuck this in the mix with De La, ATCQ et al and watch the floor bounce.

Pure quality and a must-have Regulate release, it should have come out back in May for the whole of the summer though (sorry, northern hemisphere bias), but there's still some summer left to make this a go-to 45. Love it.


Buy: Bandcamp / Juno