DJ Deviant 'The Rhythm' (Regulate Recordings)
13th June 2024
DJ Deviant
'The Rhythm' / 'Make Em Bounce' & 'Deviant Skratch Tools'
(Regulate Recordings)
BAAAAAAAAAAAM! Get right in, BBoy BGirl anthem alert.
Kicking off harder than Mike Tyson's right hook with the Funky Drummer turned up to 11, this double rocks beat to beat, sample to sample, riff to riff, and cut to cut for maximum dancefloor action. This is the kind of cut n' paste action that samplers were designed for, it's almost punk in attitude! I love it, having grown up in the late 80s where sample-based music was a wild west of creativity and raw crafted beat-making, this kind of 'Lessons' arrangement immediately chimes. Flip over for another funked-up jam in 'Make Em Bounce', a warm organ-led mid-tempo cut-tastic joint, and a juicy little scratch tool outro.
A cop-doubles 45 if there ever was, get on it now, like NOW...
Listen & Buy: Bandcamp