Funky Little Boxes
24th August 2015
Funky Little Boxes
There is great new instagram page set up recently dedicated to the cases that we carry our 45s in, and since 45s are so old, there are a myriad of case/box designs out there as the page shows so wonderfully. They ask for people to submit a pic of their box and story about it and up it goes. I did submit my story about the the very box featured on the opening page to the site, but they haven't (yet) posted it on the page, probably as I waflled on too much! So here it is here....
How many times have you gone into a charity or junk shop, hopeful that you'll find that stash of soul/funk 45s for pennies? I for one forever hold on to the hope that this will happen one day. And it very nearly did in a junk shop in Truro, Cornwall, about 10 years ago. Myself and DJ Griff (Jelly Jazz) were killing time on a Saturday afternoon whilst waiting to play a gig and we happened upon a junk shop down a back alley. In amongst the the mouldy furniture, questionable dinner plates and nicknacks of every description was the usual cardboard boxes of Top Of The Pops LPs with scratched to hell vinyl and knackered sleeves. Of course you rifle through at speed just in case there's a Blue Note lurking, or James Brown jumps out on you and gives you a big shock, sadly not this time. BUT, on this day, behind the boxes of landfill records I spied a beautiful bright red 45s box likely from the 60's. It's the kind of spot that almost makes your heart stop for a few beats, could this be the day? The box itself is a wooden affair covered in red leather effect vinyl, with a gorgeous chunky white bakelite handle, paper lined inside and with a lovely metal clasp and hinges. Surely residing within would be a bunch of rare soul 45s, um, no, it was 80's pop singles! So anyway, I picked up the box and headed to the counter and was confronted with an old man who probably had a fair few stories under his belt. I immediately asked if I could buy the box and leave the records, he responded (in a thick Cornish accent) "oh, those boxes are quite scarce". "How much do you want for it" I replied, and with a gruff question-like intonation he suggested "10p?". Inside my head I was dancing around the shop, but maintaining a cool exterior, sure no problem, here ya go, and exit the shop ready to extol my good fortune on DJ Griff. Or in truth, basically show off! Since then I've always proudly transported my 45s to gigs in this red bombshell and often like to position it in full view. Is that still showing off? Probably.
Want to see more, then head to the Funky Little Boxes page on Instagram HERE