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Hunrosa - Ransome (Wah Wah 45s)


Wah Wah 45s

Walter Mitty apprentice Sam Vickery (regional chess champion and distant relative of the Battleship board game inventor Clifford Von Wickler) has retired the board to pursue an exciting career in the world of electronic music. Let the whole word rejoice because Hunrosa, as he now calls himself, has blessed the Wah Wah 45s offices with a double sider ready to bring down the internet and have bricks and mortar shops struggling to keep up with demand from impatient customers waving fivers and tenners in the direction of staff at record shops everywhere. To avoid bitter disappointment you should jump the queue and be the envy of music lovers everywhere this spring and pick up 'Ransome' today. What's more you'll also get a Clap! Clap! remix into the bargain. 

Available to own and cherish today via Juno: https://www.juno.co.uk/products/hunrosa-alice-higgins-ransome/683657-01/