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Kaunas Baltic Connect 'Baby, I Don’t Care' (ATA Library Archive)

The Sorcerers 'Kaunas Baltic Connect'
ATA Library Archive 'Baby, I Don’t Care'

(ATA Library Archive)

The often weird world of Library music has long been a deep source of sampling gold for producers of all persuasions, as well as a rich vein of music to be simply dug and enjoyed. Primarily created for royalty free usage in TV, film, adverts etc, it spawned many labels across the world focused on assembling the best musicians to embed in studios and create music of all shades and genres. And even with AI knocking on that door now, musicians are still writing, constructing, mixing and playing with sonics to create vibes, flavours, and gems, just like this record.

Cue up the evergreen ATA Records who never put a foot wrong. This double sided beauty features The Sorcerers and ATA Library Archive with 2 cuts that perfectly capture that 'library sound', sonically perfect, and with teh kinds of basslines that denote the genre. The A side is a moody excursion of Afro-esque melodies, phyche jazz and raw drums, a thematic journey that we join for a couple of minutes if you like. But for me the real heat resides on the B side with 'Baby I Don't Care'. This is a dancefloor nugget of there ever was, uptempo, bass heavy, bongo beats, swirly hammond, spacious and ultimately incredibly funky. Again, it's simply a vibe, and as such it's a wicked DJ tool, organ soul perfection from a band really having fun, you can hear the smiles on their faces!

Buy: Bandcamp