Ratty The Sly - Hazy New Moon (Rushed Rat)
8th January 2024
Ratty The Sly
Hazy New Moon
(Rushed Rat)
Ever since Ratty The Sly dropped 'Bad Weather' on us in 2022 we have made a mental note to keep future releases on our radar. The world was a different place back then, a world where Ratty and crew (Glad2Mecha, Alecs Delarge and Tomppa Coates) waxed lyrical over an infectious covid-riddled Ratty hook. On 'Bad Weather' the crew traded verses underpinned by the jazzy soundscapes which Ratty provided, and the results where a smoker's delight. Fast forward to 2024 and Ratty blazes a solo trail. Make no mistake, the lyrics are sharper, the flow is tighter and the beats are harder than ever before on 'Hazy New Moon'. So if you like your hip hop home cooked with that gritty n' greasy drum sound, then this is for you. The 'Hazy New Moon' rides high in the crown of the metropolis and Ratty The Sly is on top of this!
Out now on Rushed Rat Records.