Vic Ruggiero - Babylon Ain't Yer Friend (Happy As A Lark)
9th April 2018
Vic Ruggiero
Babylon Ain't Yer Friend
(Happy As A Lark)
Bang! Bang! Thump! Thump! Thump! That is the sound of Vic Ruggiero’s clench fist as he pummels with the ferocity of a chained dog at the walls of Babylon. The Slackers frontman, with his trademark harmonica in his back pocket, will have any resident running for cover once the cool runnings of 'Babylon Ain’t Your Friend' come through the system and reverberates through the walls of Babylon. He’s backed (up) by The Drastics on this track which was recorded when the band rolled through Chicago and you get the sense they are intent on destruction so to all those living there a word of warning: Vic Ruggiero and company are comin’ for ya!
The flip of this two sider, Wadadah II & Kazaya’s 'Haile I' meanwhile serves up the dee jay version. And what we’re treated to is a bubbling version that puts a triumphant sasquatch lunge on what remains of Babylon once Ruggiero’s had his turn.
What’s worth noting is that $4 of each physical copy sold of this release will go to The Chicago Coalition for the Homeless. Available today from